This morning there was a rainbow over the vault toilet at Illipah Reservoir. Does that make it the proverbial pot(ty) of gold? In the daylight we saw that Illipah Revervoir, like other western waters, was almost dry.
We headed west on “The Loneliest Road in America”, US 50 Nevada. In Austin, Nevada, a former mining town known for turquoise, we stopped at Jim’s Trading Post where the owner gave us great prices on jewelry and turquoise cabochons.
After Fallon, Nevada we took Alt US 50 up to I80, passed through Reno, Nevada and crossed into California. After some discussion, the Agricultural Inspector allowed us to keep the persimmons from our own trees.
From Truckee we dipped down to Kings Beach on Lake Tahoe to spend the night with a friend. We had our second driveway campout and second restaurant meal of the trip. Bears frequent the town so we turned our headlamps on walking back from the restaurant.