Our truck is named La Tortuga because it’s brown and carries it’s own house, but we did not have a turtle mascot until our friend Vera insisted we have one. She wanted to photograph a turtle with a large mushroom on the bank of Robinson Creek, so I made one from crumpled aluminum foil and painted it’s legs and tail. Off we went to the creek and the little La Tortuga had it’s first photo shoot.
We looked at maps with our friends and discussed favorite highways and possible routes. Like William Clark, who set off from Urbanna to join Meriwether Lewis, we headed west on back roads with a hand drawn map.
After a windy and rainy drive we stopped for the night at Fairy Stone State Park. We were the only ones there in addition to the Camp Host. At $40 per night with tightly packed campsites that are not level, we will not camp there again. We would like to return to the area, however, to look for fairy stones.
The wind blew acorns onto our roof all night but at least there were nice hot showers the next morning.